
Continuity and Change in Cities

May 23, 2007 - May 25, 2007 / Alkmaar, Netherlands
2nd Meeting IFHP Working Party Continuity and Change in Cities
Theme: Continuity and Change in Cities: A Game with Many Players


Towards Carfree Cities VII conference, Istanbul August 27-31, 2007

Towards Carfree Cities VII - Istanbul, Turkey

2007 Conference - Registration - Call for Proposals - Draft Programme - Accommodation - Payment Options

Istanbul, Turkey will be hosting Towards Carfree Cities VII from August 27-31, 2007. Our local hosts this year are the Turkish Traffic Safety Association, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and Istanbul's City and Regional Planning Department. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of World Carfree Network will take place on the last day, August 31. There will be optional excursions on the weekend after.


This year's conference theme "Building a Livable Future in a Changing Climate" emphasises the positive potential and urgency of addressing global climate change through the creation of high-quality, carfree human habitats. We will be looking at how proximity can reduce our dependence on mobility - how cities can be transformed into a compact, space-efficient urban settlement pattern in which one's daily wants and needs can be met within walking distance. We will focus on how an urban environment transformed in this way can increase people's quality of life.

On another level, the theme hints at the growing potential for change in the social and political climate. For example, walkable communities are increasingly seen as a solution to various negative global health trends, ecological building methods are rapidly gaining in popularity, and public opinion on global climate change has shifted rapidly towards universal recognition of this pressing global problem.

Based on the insights of experiencing Istanbul's world-class carfree areas, the conference will bring these concepts together into a coherent recipe to be adopted and adapted by cities worldwide.

See our call for proposals for programme content (presentations, workshops, activities, etc.). The deadline to submit a proposal is April 30.
